Tuesday 20 July 2010

New Chat Box

I added a new chat box over there on the left. So you don't have to sign up to leave a comment or anything. Also I've added the options for you to chose whatever you think for the post :)

Christmas prep!

So Christmas is coming up quicker than it did last year. So I've started work on a blanket. It's going to be made up of granny squares and then I'll join them all together when I'm done. Between this I've got to finish two for new babies heading in to this world. 
Best get busy! X

Monday 12 July 2010

Early Birthday Celebrations With Pie!

So seeing as my birthday is coming up last Friday was early birthday. I'm going to be 23 [Yes that ancient] So my wonderful friend stayed and brought me a bag of goodies. All tucked away in a pink bag covered in butterflies were amazing prezzies. Anyone would think that i love baking :) So we had a smart idea... Silicone cake cases + Yellow Jello = heart shaped yellow jello. it took two boxes to find the instructions [that was printed on the original one] and we made up the jelly and poured it in to the cases.
Six hours later... we emptied one of the hearts and it was slushy
Following morning... Same thing so we ate them from the cases
On Sunday.... i tip one out and it was perfect.
All in all a wonderful day with some really good times coming up with all these caky and bakey things going on :)

Ps- This post has taken forever to get right, and it's still funny looking ¬_¬

Spencer Bell

Spencer Bell is a young talented guy who was taken away too soon. Too soon for me to travel to the states and see him live. Not only was he a wonderful musician, an awesome poet but he was a son, a brother and a friend. He wasn't an angel. From the songs he's written we can guess that he was far from being a saint and that's exactly how we like him. I never had the chance to see him and meet him. He passed away from Adrenal cancer when he was 20. His life and story is being kept alive by his family and friends, and through this we raise money to fund research in to this horrible form of cancer.
